jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Tough on crime (or why all those bastards must be executed)

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009
I don't know if you know anything about a terrorist band called ETA. They are a group of organised killers that, in behalf the right of independece of the basque country (one of the regions of Spain), kill people. Yesterday they tried to kill a lot of police men in Burgos, while they were sleeping, with a bomb in the place where the police men and their families live. They failed and no one were seriously harmed. Today ETA has killed two police men in Mallorca. The politicians just appear on television saying that ETA will be defeated sooner or later. Obviously, it's hard to defeat a group of unconscious killers and I don't have the solution, but I think Spain should be tough on crime with these guys. I'm talking about death penalty, of course. For them and for everybody who kill any other person (even if the killers are underage). I know hard penalties don't get lower crime rates, but some of them will think twice before comiting crimes and the rest will get what they deserve. 

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