sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

Saw 6: a XXX Movie (or how the government of Spain fucks up in every possible way)

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009 0
The Government of Spain has banned "Saw VI" from the theaters all over Spain. Well, not all the theaters: the porn ones are the only theaters allowed to exhibit "Saw VI". The Ministry of Culture has rated X the movie. So, if you want to watch "Saw VI" in a big screen, you would have to go to a porn cinema and watch it after "Sasha Grey doubled fucked" and "Belladonna vs Nacho". At least, that's what the Goverment wants, they say that "Saw VI" promotes violence. In the States, Saw VI received a R rating, the same rating than the other Saw movies had received in Spain. Probably, the Government will rectify and "Saw 6" will finally be R-Rated.  Anyway, the distributor has cancelled the premiere for Spain.  Fucking politics.   
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